The article linked below is pretty interesting, but while "Douchebag" may be commonly restricted to "white males," I think we here at DEMONSTRABLE DOUCHERY take a more progressive approach to the term (and it's various sub-forms). Basically, we are spotlighting (and shaming) people who treat others in an unkind and mean way but do so to a grandiose and abhorrent level. Not surprisingly, this means the vast majority of "Douchenozzles", "Douchebags", "Douchewaffles", and "Douchecanoes" happen to be of the white male variety. And also not surprisingly, they seem to most often fall into the rabidly partisan right wing politically.
How about we all just be nice to our fellow humans and stop being douches and maybe we can let all these labels and epithets fall by the wayside.
It's a beautiful world out there. Stop being a dick, a douche, or whatever.
"Douchebag": The White Racial Slur We've All Been Waiting For